Sherry Turkle : Goldilocks effect

Nowadays, technology is everywhere; it increases the global growth and has many other advantages that impact on our everyday life.

However, the main problem is that we want to use it as much as we can, in every situation and relation. Indeed, we are all so connected that we forget how to have a real conversation.

This situation is that as we forget how to behave with « real people ». When we talk to a person via our phones or computers, it is not a true conversation. We do not say the same things when we are face to face with a person or behind our phones.


Sherry Turkle develops in her speech the « Goldilocks effect ». Basically, it’s the fact that nowadays adolescents and young adults do not know how to have a face-to-face relationship. Indeed, they’ve only learnt how to have a conversation threw phones, emails, social networks etc. This is due to the fact that they can decide of what they are going to say, of what is going to happen next.

But the main problem of this effect is that it develops itself very quickly as just like Sherry Turkle cited from an 18 years old boy «…Someday, someday, but certainly not now, I would like to learn how to have a conversation ».

Practically all adolescents do not know how to speak to each other without technology and Sherry Turkle is actually right and I agree with her. We do not know how to really say what we want face-to-face whether it’s due to a lack of courage or because we might say things that we cannot take back.

I think that we should learn how to get more independent and not always count on our phones etc.


Do you agree with me? If you’re opinion is not the same as mine or if you agree with me don’t hesitate to post something in response.

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